So I need some suggestions for a bucket list. I've been thinking of some things, and here's what I have at the moment:
- Run for public office--notice this does not say "win" public office. I am a born loser, but it sure would be fun to run for it. Being appointed would just as good, though....
- Win a decent pot playing Texas Hold Em--I'm talking about using my mad theatrical skills while fluttering my eyelashes and cooing to others in a Southern accent while secretly swindling them out of their common sense and stakes...
- Vacation in Australia/New Zealand--I love me some hobbitses
- Run a 27 minute 5K--I hate running. I like winning.
- Win a personal injury case--I do not plan on pursuing personal injury; that said, I'd like to win one case and collect a fat fee--refer to #2
- Write a novel--it can be shitty. I just want to write one. Why the hell not??
- Get a pedicure--I figure some need to be short-term. I can't write a novel in the next week, now can I? Have I mentioned I like winning?
- Use my undergrad degree for my law practice at least once. I will not go into my undergrad degree. I will say a case that utilizes it would be interesting.
- Get married. Because we all should get married at least once. ;)
- Argue in front of a Supreme Court. Doesn't have to be SCOTUS.
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