Minggu, 24 April 2011

Window sleeping

My dog is currently propped on my windowsill snoring loud enough to wake the dead. It took her a very long time to learn to love her cushion (read: she tore it up the first day we left it in her kennel and I had to methodically sew it back together again), but now that she does, I'm able to make full use of my bed to pile books at my feet and prep for finals. I think I'd prefer her body making my feet fall asleep.

I'm also contemplating going to church for Easter. Here is my conundrum: having been raised in the south and brought up with traditional southern Baptist ways (to this day I will NOT get into political conversations with my father, and I still vividly recall that one day my brother said to him "what if there is NO GOD?"), I believe in going to church for this occasion. The past couple of years, though, I've primarily been attending a Catholic church with the boyfriend. However, Catholic churches don't allow members of different types of churches (aka: the heathen Baptists) to receive the Communion. I would like to eat Jesus today. I'd also like to sip on his blood. (Okay, maybe I am a heathen Baptist.) I do NOT feel like attending a morning service. The Baptists don't believe in doing Sunday evening services where you attend in blue jeans like the "heathern" Catholics (until I was 16, I thought the word had an R in it, due to the truly trashy southern way of pronouncing this word).

So should I suck it up, put on a dress (no pants in a Baptist church), and brave the rain at 11:00 this morning so I can actually receive Communion? Should I continue studying for law school finals (henceforth called LSF) and attend the Catholic service at a place I feel comfortable going, even though I am unable to take Communion? Or should I drop by the grocery store, buy myself a bottle of wine (a nod to the Catholics) and some Hawaiian bread (a nod to the Baptists--you southern Baptists know exactly what I'm talking about), and offer up a prayer from the sanctity of my apartment?


(And one of these days, I will explain my break from the Baptist church, although you've probably read a little into it considering I'm borderline liberal and completely disgusted by narrow-minded people. You find narrow-minded, racist, and unrelenting Conservatives in abundance within the SBC.)

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