Mr. Vogel didn't believe in ghosts and laughed this story off. It wasn't until he spent the night there that he took the story seriously. Dr. Bradley and his wife asked Mr. Vogel to stay in the house with their children so they would meet criteria for school placement. The Doctor and his wife had job obligations and weren't ready to relocate, but they wanted to make sure their children didn't miss any school. Mr. Vogel happily agreed to this, but while the children were sleeping he heard someone wandering though the house. He investigated and found foot prints, but no sign of entry. The noises and opening and shutting of doors continued. Unphased, Mr. Vogel called out to the spirit and told it that he was rennovating the house. He asked the spirit if they had any special requests for the renovation. There was no answer.
The Bradley's moved in and named their new 33 room manor house the Bradmore Manor. They loved it, but they were very quickly bothered by lights flickering on and off and doors opening and shutting on their own. Visitors also had ghostly encounters and Mrs.'s Bradley's mother actually saw the ghost standing above her one night. She couldn't fully see the ghost so she assumed the ghost was her daughter checking on her and told her she was alright. Activity continued. Ashtrays flew across the room on their own. Furniture moved. Faucets turned on and off on their own. Other visitors saw ghosts while they were there.
Rather than be daunted by all this supernatural activity, the Bradley's took it in stride. They opened their home up to paranormal investigators and general haunted tours to the public. They even wrote a book about the haunting. The Bradley's didn't leave their beloved home until other circumstances drove them to divorce. Rather than fleeing, they embraced the haunting.
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