Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Ridiculousness of the day

While perusing the news, I happened upon a few ridiculous headlines that I thought I would share with you:

Apparently, a fight brought out because of LINE CUTTERS at the Casey Anthony trial. Let me begin by saying how sick I think it is that people are treating a seat in the Casey Anthony trial as a fucking golden ticket you'd receive to Willy Wonka's mythical chocolate factory. As interested as I am in the trial, I don't treat a murder trial of a 2-year old as a circus sideshow. Perhaps that's just my own personal integrity and where my sense of morality has drawn a bright line in the sand, so to speak. No one was hurt, though. Too bad.

Anthony Weiner has received an offer from Larry Flynt of Hustler. I've not looked into the famous pictures that sparked Weinergate, and I'm pretty sure a full spread of Weiner's weiner would NOT sell. Especially considering THIS is what comes to mind when thinking of Mr. Weiner:

Apparently, Mr. Flynt has anticipated this, and wants to offer him some other kind of job. Flynt has reportedly written to Weiner, "I feel that your unfortunate resignation is a prime example of unfounded political pressure and the hypocrisy that has invaded democracy in Washington, D.C. I hope you will sincerely consider this offer, and I look forward to your response." While his resignation may have been because of political pressure, a lot of people are forgetting how Anthony Weiner smeared a blogger's reputation and accused him of hacking his twitter account (both serious allegations, especially coming from an elected official). He slandered someone. And for that, Mr. Weiner should pay. (That being said, I feel terrible for his pregnant wife. And his unborn child. Mostly for the scandal. Partly because of how unfortunate looking the unborn child will probably be.)

The Associated Press lists this as the leading line for a man recently convicted of murdering a 2 year old child: "An Oregon man has been sentenced to life in prison for killing his girlfriend's 2-year-old daughter in a brutal wrestling match."

LAST TIME I CHECKED, A TWO YEAR OLD V. A 230 POUND MAN WAS NOT A "MATCH." Also last time I checked, a 230 pound man who lacerated a child's liver, collapsed her lungs, and caused severe internal bleeding was not "wrestling" with the child. He was BEATING HER TO DEATH. Yes, he may have been using "ultimate wrestling moves," but he WAS.NOT.WRESTLING. He was beating her to death. May Kacy now have peace.

Thank God it's Friday.

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